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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bear in area

Last week a bear was spotted on Maple Hill. Numerous piles of scat have appeared on the road from Maple Hill to the north end of the new road. Runners beware.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mill Hill to Tusk Trail

The municipality has applied 15 loads of A gravel on the generally horizontal sections and several loads of 5/8 minus gravel on the Mill Hill. They recommend rain and lots of vehicular traffic as the way to success on their work. Rain dance coming up for the long weekend.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Go away beaver

The culvert north of Tusk has been cleaned out of debris. This has resulted in drainage (major) from the west side of the road. The beaver has surrendered and taken off for better hunting grounds.
A shovel and extended handle hoe still exists on the east side of the road. Feel free to use it.

Washout area-major rocks

If you remember, the road south of Tusk, beside Whispering Hills residence, was a major washout area last year, exposing rocks. Today the municipality backhoed the rocks out and filled with A gravel. The quantity of rocks removed really was amazing. It should survive the next rainy season.
There is a number of 'fast' ATVs on the cottage road this spring. Since they like driving in the centre of the road, watch around sharp corners (we want to decrease our risk of using our insurance policy!)

Municipality improvements

Today the municipality is grading the road from the mill hill towards Tusk Trail. The grader does a nice job. I tried to get them to continue beyond Tusk, but they only laughed!