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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Power outage

There was a brief power outage this morning. 
    Also, thanks to the unknown person who painted the 'pointer' rocks on the road a bright red.  Please remember that the pointer rock just north of Tusk Trail at the top of the incline, was the scene of an ugly accident in the early 1990's and resulted in serious personal injury.  It resulted in our cottage association being sued and we were forced to hire a lawyer to defend our members.  The judge dismissed our involvement.  This is why we have FOCA insurance for our association.
    There have been at least 3 other accidents on our cottage road.  Slowing down and/or sounding your horn on corners is a wise move.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Water Quality-Second sample

Another sample taken 3 weeks later using the same methodology found some E. coli and the health authorities recommended not drinking the water.  A 3rd sample will be taken in July.  The E. coli may be from the ducks and/or beavers in the area.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Water quality

On May 18 a member of the association took a water sample to the Public Health Lab in Haliburton.  The sample had passed through 2 standard residential filters before being capped.  The results came back with 'No significant Evidence of Bacterial Contamination" and an E. coli reading of Zero.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Fishing rods and fishing tackle were stolen from a boat attached to a dock in our association area sometime between the evening of Saturday June 2 or early Sunday June 3.  This has been reported to the OPP (1-888-310-1122).  If you have any information please make it available to authorities.  There may be attempts to sell the equipment for quick cash. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Update of area

Several people have reported seeing bears along Tusk Trail. and lots of bear scat on the road.  The beavers seem to have vacated the pond near Tusk and the water is at a long time low.  Turtles laying eggs this week, unfortuntely foxes or coyotes are digging them up quickly.  No herron spotted this year around the island.  Baby ruff grouse have hatched and some are flying across the road.  Dragonflies are in high numbers and this is keeping the blackflies to minimal activity. But horseflies are out!  Up to 30 mm of rain possible this weekend and an update on the road will be posted on Monday.