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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Enchanted Forest diversion

The orange marker is the location of bedrock that pushed water onto the road and formed rills.  Now, the water will be diverted 'neatly' around the rock, and it will be pulled back off the road with the formation of a ditch on the west side. The road will be slightly diverted to the east by just over a foot, but really doesn't affect normal traffic.  Some A gravel will be added to show a slight change in the road.

Hopefully several other area will get ditches before the snow comes.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Power outage

Planned power outage Sun. Sept 21, 6 am to 7 am.

Thanks to all the Terry Fox walkers from East Bay and Elephant Lake Cottage Ass'n who walked from East Bay.  The post walk social was great as usual.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Sorry gang, but I thought there was a way to flip this.  Anyways, if you are interested, twist it around.
   One cottager has installed four camera that hook into the internet on a static IP connected to a turbo hub.  It monitors whatever you want 24/7.  There is also a 28 day recording that can be attached to the system.  The internet monitoring is approximately $10 per month, not including the regular internet fee.
    The installer is from Bancroft.
    This seems like a great way to view the cottage and the scenery whenever you want.  Perhaps we'll get an update at the annual meeting in May 2015.

Just in time!

Yesterday afternoon and evening saw the heaviest rain and wind of the season.  Fortunately, through great planning (or luck?) the drainage diversion was put to its first test.  The road was unphased and the usual washout at the top of the cottagers' lane was untouched by washoffs as can be seen above.
     The orange marker is the rock outcrop that used to be a big problem.  But now the water is pulled back into a ditch and away from the road.
      Ditches are a roads' best friend.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Water divergence

The north end of Guest Trail has a major outcrop of bedrock on the east side.  This pushes water across the road causing rills.  At the orange marker, water will be pulled back into a shallow drainage ditch which will keep water off the road.  We'll wait to another rain storm to check out the ditch.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


     The wonderful Schoolhouse Museum in Highland Grove, at the big bend in the highway, has started a new project.  In order to support heritage and community, they are placing various pictures on coffee mugs for a lean price of $12.50 per mug.

     But in addition to heritage, the museum has broaded into cottages, cottagers and even prizes for fishing contests.  Or, family pictures for seasons' presents, like December,  birthdays, mothers' and fathers' day, you name the event. Or, perhaps you just want type on the mug.  For instance, THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD ARE THE ONES WHO WASH DISHES IN THIS HOUSE.



     Or, as a person is leaving the house, gulping the last cup of coffee, he/she reads,
                                                    CHECK LIST
Cell phone, shopping list, pick the kids up, return library books, don't text while driving and say something nice to everyone today.

    We scan, accept pictures on memory sticks (we'll return sticks), take live pictures.  Who doesn't want a mug like the one above!  By the way, whose cottage is that?  I know.

     All money received goes to pay off the capital equipment which is in the community centre and purchase more material for supporting the small community of Highland Grove and the surrounding communities, which includes Elephant Lake cottagers.